Windows 7 professional laptop
Windows 7 professional laptop

From there, choose whether you want to go through Documents, Pictures, Music or Videos, and delete files as needed. There are a few ways to look through your files, but one is to go to Start > Computer > Libraries. Select any programs you want to uninstall, and hit Uninstall. To prune your programs, go to Start > Control panel > Programs > Programs and features. Getting rid of old or unused applications and files can help lower your chances of a privacy breach. Remove unnecessary applications and files But if you really want to keep running Windows 7 for whatever reason, there are a few things you can do to keep the unsupported OS as secure as possible until you upgrade to Windows 10, one way or another.

windows 7 professional laptop

To cut down on your risk of malware from potential flaws and software loopholes, Microsoft recommends that you either upgrade your current device to Windows 10 (you can do this for free), or else buy a new Windows 10 machine. (If you're a Windows 8.1 user, you don't have to worry yet - extended support for that OS won't end until January 2023.)

windows 7 professional laptop

The move came as part of a planned effort to phase out Windows 7 software and migrate Windows users to Windows 10, the more recent version of your laptop's operating system, and the one that will receive all of Microsoft's security patches and updates.

windows 7 professional laptop

Microsoft officially ended support for that operating system in January 2020, which means that the company no longer offers technical assistance or software updates to your device - including security updates and patches. If you use a Microsoft laptop or desktop running Windows 7, your security is unfortunately obsolete.

Windows 7 professional laptop